segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2015

A Look Through Melanie Martinez Budding Career

Melanie Martinez

Armed with her haunting vocals and her unique style of two-toned hair and front teeth gap, the Puerto Rican and Dominican descent singer perched herself up on the chair to test where the fate would take her. Singing her own rendition of “Toxic” while playing the guitar and tapping the tambourine with her foot, she placed a spot on team Adam; and while ascending through the stages, the top spot isn’t what she won.

Instead, she left a mark in the hearts of listeners. The gothic girl with a haunting vocals and an obsession of dolls – that has Melanie Martinez has written on it.

After The Voice Season 3, Martinez forged a path of her own as an independent artist; and it isn’t easy is what she reveals. The highs last for minutes while feeling low stays, which is the kind of vulnerability artists felt making it hard to bring one up for the show.

“You’ve got to be able to work hard after,” Martinez advices for anyone who wants to pursue singing. And even if it is a different career, we know hard work always lays the foundation for success.
As you would see now, not winning The Voice Season 3 did not act as a hindrance for Martinez to be successful in her chosen path; it’s quite the contrary. It propels Martinez into growing as an artist together with her music.

She released her EP, “Dollhouse,” May of 2014, which garnered her millions of listeners and still counting. Follow-up from the successful single are stream of hits, too. “Carousel” was featured in American Horror Story “Freak Show,” which is a dream come true for her since she adores the show. “Pity Party” was released last June 2015 and is currently aired in different countries across the globe. “Soap” follows not long after with a promise of the next single, which was released July 31, with the title, “Sippy Cup.”

Apart from Martinez’ unique look, what sets her above the rest is her exploration of the ideals in life only a child not unjaded could be seen and then she sets it up in comparison to the brutal truth concealed in thin veils of pinks and bubblegum-colored setting, which is a staple of her music videos. 
Her artistry in writing is also being showcased in her songs. It has the certain kind of lightness even when dwelling to heavy issues setting the tone of her music to borderline insanity.

With her debut album entitled “Cry Baby” set to be released this August and with her currently touring, we’re waiting for Martinez to be a massive name in the industry. ‘Till then, we will be waiting and offer support.

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