Spice Girls are a British girl group created last 1994, The group consisted of five members, who specifically later used alias originally referred to them: Melanie Brown as “Scary Spice”, Melanie Chisholm as “Sporty Spice”, Emma Bunton as “Baby Spice”, Geri Halliwell as “Ginger Spice”, and Victoria Beckham Adams as “Posh Spice”.
The Spice Girls came as a group when they responded an advertisement in a London magazine called The Stage. The ad labeled for any youthful woman halfway the ages of 18 and 23 to organize a singing group.
After the girls were elected, they started preparing at a venue called Trinity Studios. They formerly named themselves “Touch.” in August 1993; they replaced their name to “The Spice Girls” when they heard a song devoted to them called “Sugar ‘n’ Spice.”
They were endorsed to Virgin Records and freed their debut single “Wannabe” in 1996, which hit number one in more than 30 countries and assisted to set up the group as a global phenomenon.
Their debut album Spice disposed more than 30 million copies worldwide, becoming the best-selling album by a female group in music history.
May of 1997, they established a record when their second single “Say You’ll Be There” debuted on the US charts at number 5 which is the topmost listing by a European artist. In December 1997, the second single from Spice world, Too Much, was released.
In early 1998 the Spice Girls entered upon the world tour that Fuller had set up for them covering Europe and North America.
On May 31, Geri declared her separation from the Spice Girls after many reports cropped up about her vanishing from the group in interviews, which the girls were fully ignorant about her condition at the time.
The Spice Girls reappeared to the studio in August 1999, after an 8 month recording break to begin working on their third album. In November 2000 the group released Forever.
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