quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2015

Never Too Late: Listen to this Magnificence Before 2015 Ends


Before 2015, were greeted fearfully with Justin Bieber’s Purpose and Adele’s 25, and we gladly rode the wave that these two artists created.

Yes, we have proven once again that the last quarter of each year happens to be the most exciting when it comes to listening to new tunes, comeback artists and album shockers.


Nevertheless, music enthusiasts have awaited patiently every year for new bombs to be dropped and their ears being satisfied after the long wait.

We’ve turned out to be ‘Beliebers’ once again after a hiatus that we all thought would never ever end, and we’ve come to embrace Adele again as if she never left the music arena.


But aside from these albums, there are ‘unsung’ artists who have taken us into euphoria within the boundaries of 2015.

They might not have climbed the charts and have never been a hit in the mainstream, but the artists and albums listed below would be worth the time if we’d all just listen to them intently. The hype is surely not on their side, and we would definitely regret not giving them the attention their music deserves.

Well, 2015 hasn’t ended yet, and we can still say sorry, like how Justin Bieber so succinctly put it. Behold as these albums might actually be included in your playlists right before 2016 starts, and little did we know that respected music charts and bankable music critics have adored these songs, unlike the oblivion we’ve felt when these albums were released.


Black Messiah – This ‘comeback’ album is from one of R&B’s biggest names during the 1990s, a man named D’ Angelo. After fifteen years of not being able to produce any albums, Black Messiah is D’ Angelo’s way of saying that his absence would be overwritten with the catchy tracks and tunes included in this album.

Older people would definitely remember D’ Angelo as one frisky artist, and this album, as what most critics said, established and sealed the singer’s talent just within 56 minutes. Get tangled and never be mangled with how playful the lyrics are, and getting Black Messiah would tune out the seemingly lost R&B alter ego in you.


Vulnicura – So okay, Bjork might come-off as a little bit weird for everyone’s taste, but we cannot shun the fact that she’s one heck of an artist. Her growls, her frigid voice, the accompanying music video and her album treatments have gotten very far from the conventional, but nevertheless are still admirable works of art.

After the glowing success of Biophilia in 2011, Bjork’s Vulnicura is another milestone for the artist as she weirdly talked about break-ups almost entirely throughout the album.

Comprised of just nine tracks, Bjork has once again established herself as a unique artist together with electronic beats, the dark history of each track and the usual way she rendered her voice as an instrument to touch not just the heart, but also the listener’s soul.

Wilder Mind – Mumford and Sons has long withstood the test of time through bracing mightily over the decades, and their 2015 album entitled Wilder Mind has pretty much attested to that.

Though they have made huge leaps of faith through folk songs this year, there’s still an itching rock gene that cannot be contained and is struggling to burst through the singers’ mouth.

Mumford and Sons, amidst sticking to rock for this album, still offered their intensity through its lyrics. The balance of love and life has been well discussed, which is pretty much a trademark that they have thrived on over the years.

The passion and talent is somewhat brewing over the top and Mumford and Sons would want you to revisit your record bars and grab a copy of Wilder Mind before the year-ends.


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