Fanatics worldwide through its accompanying music videos had all the more worshiped music. A singer or a band would always have the chance to perform their latest track and be filmed and then be seen by the plethora of viewers in just a matter of minutes. Weirdly enough, some listeners even decide whether the song is worthy of their attention depending on the effect shown in the released music video. Music and being visually pleased is now a bundled deal to keep the general listening public well entertained.
While some songs have aired and became successful without having to spend sums of money for music video production, it had been proven effective that those who have video accompaniments shoots high when it comes to sales and patronage. Below is one of the most memorable music videos to have been released and left a deep mark on our consciousness over the years — OK Go’s Here It Goes Again.
With the simple production set and low-tech tools to complete the whole music video, Here It Goes Again captured the interest of many despite the prevalence of digitalized and technology cured clips from different artist/s of the same era. The totality of the song is three minutes and the brainchild of songwriter Damian Kulash Jr. Here It Goes Again is classified under the moderately fast rock tempo so everyone is flabbergasted on as to how OK Go managed to pull-off a music video so highly conceptualized in breaking barriers in music video production. The said song is the third cut from the band’s wittingly titled album, Oh No.
OK Go’s members Damian Kulash, Tim Norwind, Dan Konopka and Andy Ross is set to perform an intrinsic performance while dancing on treadmills set in a tight shot which leaves little room for mistakes. The said music video had been shot in a single continuous take giving the band a difficult time of doing the choreograph fluidly refraining from sheer mistakes. Trish Sie choreographs the dance ensemble. Here It Goes Again survived and took seventeen attempts to get the flawless masterpiece. The music video had been released in July of 2006 and easily harnessed 50 million views on YouTube.
The genius behind this music video feat had never put anything to waste as they have been praised well by a lot of music, moguls and award-giving bodies. The quirkiness and simplistic approach to entertain have bagged the group and the people behind the video several accolades, including the 2007 Grammy Award for Best Short Form Music Video. YouTube Awards also imparted their share of awe by giving the band a Most Creative Video Award. Other recognitions include a spot on Entertainment Weekly’s The Must List in August of 2008 and Time Magazine included Here It Goes Again to the coveted 30 All-Time Best Music Videos.
OK Go continued their streak in releasing interest-packed music videos such as I Won’t Let You Down, The Writings on the Wall and Needing/Getting.
Here It Goes Again
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